Команда, состоящая из историков и литературоведов, а также переводчиков, помещает "архив Азазелло" в контекст социального и культурного окружения Азазелло, его литературной традиции и вдохновения, а также его укорененности в советской эстетике.

Emily Lygo

Juliane Fürst

Principal Investigator

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Jonathan Waterlow

Polly McMichael

Margarit Ordukhanyan

Irina Gordeeva

Research associate

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Azazello Archive

Irina Kosals

Vita Juliane Fürst


since 2018
Co-Head of Department I "Communism and Society"
The Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History - ZZF Potsdam

2017 – 2018
Reader in Modern History
Department of History, University of Bristol

2012 – 2017
Senior Lecturer in Modern History
Department of History, University of Bristol

2007 – 2012
Lecturer in Modern History
Department of History, University of Bristol

2003 – 2007
Junior Research Fellow
St. John’s College, University of Oxford

2002 – 2003
Stipendiary Lecturer, Modern History
Magdalen College, University of Oxford


Academic Qualifications

Senior Fellowship in Higher Academy of Education

1998 – 2003
PhD, Government Department, London School of Economics
Thesis Title "Stalin’s last Generation - Youth, State and Komsomol 1945-53"

1997 – 1998
MSc Russian and Post-Soviet Studies
London School of Economics

1994 – 1997
BA(Hon) Modern History (First Class)
Christ Church, University of Oxford

1992 – 1994
Study of Law and History
Ruprecht Karls University, Heidelberg

Vita Irina Gordeeva

since 8/2022
Research associate at ZZF Potsdam in Dep. I

08/2020 - 07/2022
Associated researcher at ZZF Potsdam in Dep. I



2017 - Lecturer in the Chair of History, St. Philarets’ Christian Orthodox Institute, Moscow, Russia

2013-2017 – Lecturer in Dept. of Medieval and Modern Russian History, Institute for History and Archives, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia

2000-2013 - Lecturer in Dept. of Russian History of Modern period, Institute for History and Archives, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia


Academic Qualifications

1997-2000Ph.D., Dept. of Russian History of Modern period, Institute for History and Archives, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia, Thesis Title “The Communitarian Movement in Russia in the last quarter of the 19th century”

1994 -1996 Moscow Social History Program of the International Institute of Social History (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)

1992 - 1997 MA in History and Archives, Institute for History and Archives, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia